This Read Me document provides late-breaking news about the AppleCD 300 and 300i drives.
AppleCD Speed Switch
The AppleCD 300i user’s guide incorrectly states that the AppleCD Speed Switch is a desk accessory. The AppleCD Speed Switch is actually a control panel. To open the Speed Switch control panel, choose Control Panels from the Apple menu and double-click the AppleCD Speed Switch icon.
QuickTime 1.6.1
The QuickTime system extension, version 1.6.1, is either included with your AppleCD 300 drive accessory kit or already installed on your computer. The QuickTime system extension, version 1.5 or later, must be installed on your computer to use Photo CD discs.
32-Bit QuickDraw must be installed to use QuickTime. If you are using System 6, install 32-Bit QuickDraw into your System Software before installing QuickTime.
To install QuickTime 1.6.1:
1. Insert the QuickTime disk into the floppy disk drive.
2. Double-click the QuickTime disk icon.
3. Drag the QuickTime system extension onto your System Folder icon.
4. Click OK.
5. Restart your Macintosh.
Using Large Photo CD Images
Photo CD images are stored in folders according to their image size. For most work, images of 768 x 512 pixels or smaller will be suitable. For more detailed work, or for very high quality reproductions, you may want to use larger images.
You should open larger images with application programs designed to handle large PICT files. TeachText will have difficulty opening these large files.
New Version of TeachText
TeachText, version 7.1, is available on the CD Set-Up 4.0.5 disk. It will be installed on your computer if you install system software using Easy Install.
Older Macintosh Models
The QuickTime system extension does not work on Macintosh models that contain a 68000 microprocessor (the Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, Macintosh Classic, Macintosh Portable, and Macintosh PowerBook 100). This system extension will not be installed with Easy Install. Apple Photo Access and Slide Show Viewer require QuickTime support, and therefore, does not work on the Macintosh models that contain a 68000 microprocessor as noted above. Apple does not recommend that you install these system extensions on these models.
Using the Viewer With Several CD Discs in System 6
In System 6, if you want to view photos from more than one Photo CD disc, you should not launch the Slide Show Viewer from the CD disc. Instead, copy the viewer to your hard disk, and use that copy to view photos. If you launch the viewer from the CD disc, you will experience problems when you insert the next disc.
Color Icons and Low System Memory
Your Macintosh may have problems displaying color icons for the pictures on a Photo CD disc when the system is low on memory. When not enough memory (usually less than 200K) is available, some of the color icons for Photo CD documents may appear as plain document icons. This problem only affects the appearance of the icons; the actual Photo CD images themselves are not affected. If this problem appears, you can restore the normal color icons by restarting the computer.